NMC OSCE changes are updated by NMC. The new NMC OSCE Marking Criteria V1.6 will be in effect from 14th November 2022. Earlier, it was announced that these changes are applicable to all the candidates appearing from 17th October 2022. But according to the latest update from NMC this will be commenced only from 14th November 2022.
So, what are the changes you should expect from these latest marking scheme? In the new Marking Criteria (V1.6), there are 6 new Clinical Skill Stations, 10 new Professional Values Stations, and 9 new Evidence-based Practice Stations.
New Clinical Skill Stations
- Administration of Suppository
- Bowel Assessment
- Nasopharyngeal Suctioning
- Nutritional assessment
- Oral Care Plan
- Oxygen therapy
New Professional Values Stations
- Concealment of bed status
- Confidentiality
- False representation
- Falsifying Observations
- Falsifying timesheets
- Hospital food
- Impaired performance
- Laboratory results
- Racism
- Witnessed abuse
New Evidence-based Practice Stations
- Ankle sprain
- Asperger’s syndrome
- Bedside handover
- Cervical screening
- Cranberry juice and urinary-tract infections (UTIs)
- Dementia and music
- Fever in children
- Restraint
- Saline versus Tap water
Download the latest Marking Scheme